
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Why the disclaimer?

I've had to include a disclaimer on my blogsite because there are some people out there who I may have offended by what I have said. I've titled this blog-Rants, becasue that's what I do. I Rant, about my life, what I think, what I feel, whatever is on my mind. Having grown up with a hyper-active imagination (some doctors have called it schizophrenia) has caused me to write about anything as if it were true. There are times that I will write things as if I had done them, but in "reality," they are nothing more than me venting how I feel and think.

What is truth? Truth is whatever you percieve as being "real." Reality is nothing more than a delusion for the bullshit you put up with every day.

To those of you whom have taken this blog as being "factual," I'm sorry to have offened you. Like the disclaimer says, some of this is true and some is fiction, but it is up to the read to determine what is "real" and what is fiction.


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