Not my week.
Arrgggghh. I hate being sick. I've spent the last 4 days trying to recover from some sort of crud that has been kicking my ass. I even went to a doctors office to try to get this shit over with. The scary thing is that I told the doc that my throat is what was bothering me and then I had to drop trou and get a shot in the ass. It helped me feel better for about 2 hours and then I started to feel like shit again.
The today as I was trying to open a pack of roast beef, I sliced my middle finger to the bone. Talk about something that hurt. They told me to go get stitches, to hell with that. I grabbed some tape and taped that bastard up REAL good.
Sent a dozen donuts to the english prof, managed to make her blush. But all she said to the delivery guy was for me to send 6 dozen next time. I guess it's time to give up on that prospect. Just when I meet someone who is cool, something goes wrong. I still don't know what it is that went wrong. Maybe I'm too nice? Too quiet? Dunno what it could have been. I'm gonna stop trying anymore. Just try to get through the day and keep on going. Just be myself and to hell with everyone else.
That's all for now folks, I need to act like I'm working again.
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