My Day
Ok, let's see how my day went so far...
Went to work and my boss was a bit upset about something, but wouldn't really tell me what it was. Then I did a few hours outside trying to sell meal plan memberships to staff, faculty and commuter students. Not a single person was intrested. Then as I was trying to get out of there so I could go home to clean house before class one of the supervisors pulls me aside to talk to me. Turns out the director is pissed off at me, but would not tell me. So I have to try to sit him down tomorrow to find out what the fuck is going on. I've spent the last few weeks being "nicer," knowing damn good and well that I'm an honest person, even if it isn't "nice." I got told that I'm pissing people off, but no one has the balls to talk to me face-to-face. What the fuck is wrong with everyone? How come when I talk to them face-to-face they get upset, but all they can do is talk about me behind my back. If the boss wants me to change things, I need to know what needs to be changed. I'm not frigging psychic. How can I know what offends others, when nothing offends me? It's not that I don't care, it's just that there is too much bullshit in this world and no one can handle honesty. They want me to kiss everyone's ass. I'm a straight shooter, you tell me what you want done, I'll do it. Don't give me vague ideas and then expect me to succeed. Give me specifics, not generalities. Talk to people like a man, not a little child.
Ok, enough for now.
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