My face
Today I've been getting a lot of grief because I shaved off my Vandyke. Here's how it happened.
Yesterday when I went to trim my beard I noticed that my beard trimmer was dead and I couldn't find the recharger. So being innovative I decided to use the trimmer on my electric razor. Bad idea! While I was trimming the right side I mis-judged how much to trim and alas, I gouged out a whole piece of my beard. Nothing pisses me off more than ugly, mis-matched facial hair. So I decided to shave the whole damn thing off. I sat there looking at myself with just a mustache and realized that I looked like some child molester. So, I shaved the whole thing off. Now I look like a 14 year-old on chemotherapy. I've been shaving my head for almost 3 years now and I love it, but without facial hair I look very young. I've always hated having a baby-face. It means that I always get carded (I'm 34 for chrissakes), no one takes me seriously, and people want to fuck with me.
Gve me about 3 weeks and I'll be back to my "Anton LeVey" look. Nothing scares people more than a big bald man with a Vandyke. (For those of you who don't know what a Vandyke is, it's a mustache with a goatee).
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