
Monday, November 28, 2005

I guess the First Amendment Means Nothing

Yeah, I'm still a little bitter about losing my job. Why shouldn't I be upset? Afterall I was terminated for writing in this forum. I thought freedom of speech was protected by the Constitution, but I guess it doesn't apply to writing out your thoughts and feelings. Did you know that you can be fired from your job for having your own beliefs and ideas? It just annoys the piss out of me that this had happened. I worked my ass off for these people and what do they do when they get a little insight to me? They fire me. Not once did I put the company down nor where I worked. Maybe I have said a few things about people in general, but who hasn't? I wish people would grow the fuck up and let people have their own ideas and thoughts. The sad thing is that I was fired because I talked to someone who went to school there. Since when is it a crime to try to get to know people?

Ok, I'm off to see if I can find a new job. One where I can be myself and not worry about offending the uber-lords over me.



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