Well, let's see what's been going on since the last post...
Today I had about 200+ kids coming through--Freshmen Orientation and a "poor performer" group of kids who want to go to college. The really fucked up thing about how they do orientation here is that they make the parents come with the kids. They should do what my parents did, say "you're an adult now, don't fuck up." Ok, they never really said that, but you get the point.
I wanted to give them a nice speech about showing my staff some respect and if they have any concerns to talk to me. I was going to tell them that I will be serving them the same stuff most real college kids can afford: namely Ramen and any meat-like substance. I swear that most of these damn kids are spoiled. Steak was a reward and burgers were something that you got maybe once a week. For the most part you ate what we had, or you starved. I'm all for giving them a bit of a variety, but Jeez, how may times a week can you eat burgers and other crappy food. These little shits need to learn that just because you've never had something, it's going to suck.
Yesterday I made "white-trash goulash." One of these little assholes walks up asks what it is and then says that she doesn't like it. I asked her if she's tried it and of course they never had. I then told her that she shouldn't say that she dislikes it if she hadn't tried it. She ate it and then came back and said it was great. What the fuck is wrong with college kids these days? Life is too short to eat the same crap over and over again. College is a time to expand your horizons, not just intellectually, but gastronomically. I never had Iranian food until I was in college. I never had a Vindaloo until a few years later. I was the type of kid who ate hamburgers at Chinese restaurants. Now, I will eat damn near anything, not out of hunger, but out of a sense of adventure.
This is a small town in West Texas at a university who tries to hide the problems that occur here. It came to my attention that several "date-rapes" happen each semester. These never get investigated and they don't do ANYTHING to prevent them from happening again. I can't wait until the "wrong persons" daughter is involved with one of these and they sue the Hell out of the university. Or even worse the father goes after the kid who did it and wastes the little prick who does that. A man who takes advantage of any woman is not a man, but a child and a coward! It doesn't take strength to force yourself onto someone else, but it takes strength to talk to them and let things develop with time.
Sorry, enough of me on my soapbox. I swear that if I hear about one of those happening while I'm here, I'll tool up on they're little punk asses. I've got enough people that will join in as well. I guess it's time for the Saints to come here.