
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Pretty good day, all in all.

Not a whole hell of a lot to talk about today.  Managed to talk to my dad for a few minutes before I had to run back to work.  Had coffee with my former english prof.  Got to talk to her for about 20 minutes.  She is a kick-ass person.  (No, I'm not saying it because I know she reads this, but because I think she really is).  Pretty much had a good day all around---now I'm waiting for the bad shit to happen.  If it doesn't, even better.  It's about time that I had a really good day.  We all know that I have bad hair days all the time.

Not much else to talk about for today, other than I loathe making new menus for the coming semester!!!!!!!!



Sunday, July 25, 2004

Fucking Kids!!!!!

Well, let's see what's been going on since the last post...

Today I had about 200+ kids coming through--Freshmen Orientation and a "poor performer" group of kids who want to go to college.  The really fucked up thing about how they do orientation here is that they make the parents come with the kids.  They should do what my parents did, say "you're an adult now, don't fuck up."  Ok, they never really said that, but you get the point.

I wanted to give them a nice speech about showing my staff some respect and if they have any concerns to talk to me.  I was going to tell them that I will be serving them the same stuff most real college kids can afford:  namely Ramen and any meat-like substance.  I swear that most of these damn kids are spoiled.  Steak was a reward and burgers were something that you got maybe once a week.  For the most part you ate what we had, or you starved.  I'm all for giving them a bit of a variety, but Jeez, how may times a week can you eat burgers and other crappy food.  These little shits need to learn that just because you've never had something, it's going to suck.

Yesterday I made "white-trash goulash."  One of these little assholes walks up asks what it is and then says that she doesn't like it.  I asked her if she's tried it and of course they never had.  I then told her that she shouldn't say that she dislikes it if she hadn't tried it.  She ate it and then came back and said it was great.  What the fuck is wrong with college kids these days?  Life is too short to eat the same crap over and over again.  College is a time to expand your horizons, not just intellectually, but gastronomically.  I never had Iranian food until I was in college.  I never had a Vindaloo until a few years later.  I was the type of kid who ate hamburgers at Chinese restaurants.  Now, I will eat damn near anything, not out of hunger, but out of a sense of adventure.

This is a small town in West Texas at a university who tries to hide the problems that occur here.  It came to my attention that several "date-rapes" happen each semester.  These never get investigated and they don't do ANYTHING to prevent them from happening again.   I can't wait until the "wrong persons" daughter is involved with one of these and they sue the Hell out of the university.  Or even worse the father goes after the kid who did it and wastes the little prick who does that.  A man who takes advantage of any woman is not a man, but a child and a coward!  It doesn't take strength to force yourself onto someone else, but it takes strength to talk to them and let things develop with time.

Sorry, enough of me on my soapbox.  I swear that if I hear about one of those happening while I'm here, I'll tool up on they're little punk asses.  I've got enough people that will join in as well.  I guess it's time for the Saints to come here.



Friday, July 23, 2004

A pretty damn good week for me

I've been pretty damn busy with work and moving this week.  Yesterday I got a wild-hair and decided to see if I could become ServSafe certified.  As it turns out I am still certified and am eligible to become an instructor and proctor for the class and test.  I then told my boss who was amazed that I was willing to do it.  I figured, "What the Hell, I'll do it."  After all, something like this will make me more valuable to the company.  He then told his boss and HR.  Both of them said, "Hell yes, let him become certified.  This way we would have our own trainer to do it."

So not only do I pretty much have an easy job, but it seems like I'm going off to bigger and better things.  HR said that they will not abuse me too much.  Which means in corporate world-ese, "We are going to have him be our little puppet to do the trainings for all of our managers."  That is incredible for me, since that means I will get to travel to the locations to train.  I will have to let them know that it is going to take a hell of a lot for me to do it if they want me to sacrifice school (ya know, @65k+).  There is no way in hell I'm giving up school or where I am these days.

Finally worked up the nerve to ask out my hot english prof.  And surprise of surprises, she actually said yes.  The only thing that sucks is that she's busy with work, moving and putting together and coaching a traveling little league team.  My week is pretty much the same--work my ass off from 8 am to about 7 pm, go home, get a few hours of sleep, and get up in the morning and do it all over again.  It's kinda hard to get together for dinner in a town where most of the restaurants close down at 8pm, ok some of them close late--9pm.  I guess that eventually we'll get some time to get together.  I won't be able to do anything for the next few days since I have a Freshman Orientation coming through on Sunday-Tuesday.  It's about 200 kids.  I just hope the little shits learn to show some respect to people.  Most of them don't.  I guess it'll be my job to also teach them some manners.

My life is finally starting to turn around for the better.  Got my own place, a good job, and when I have time, maybe even a love-life.

That's all folks.
And I am Outta Here!!!!!



Wednesday, July 21, 2004

To clarify something said in the last post

Just to clarify something I said in my last post.  When I said that "I'd be all over that."  I meant that if she weren't my teacher, I would have actually gotten up the nerve to ask her out.  As it is I'm too damn shy to ask someone attractive out.  Not from a fear of rejection (ok, from a fear of rejection), but because beautiful women scare the hell out of me.  Sure I can talk about a zillion and one things, but when it comes down to expressing an interest in them I get butterfly's in my stomach.  I don't come across as being shy in my public persona, but in my private persona I am very quiet and shy.  I guess that my public persona is me just acting for the crowd, because I am an attention whore (I love to ham it up and act for people).

She is an awesome teacher.  Has high expectations from her students, but still makes it entertaining and fun.  Very few college instructors that I have met have that out-look on classes.  She understands that sometimes a student will have a problem meeting a deadline, but as long as you let her know, she'll do what she can to accommodate you.  I'm also grateful that she does read this blog.  It's nice to have someone who's opinion matters to me comment on this blog.  Hell, it's nice to have ANYONE comment on this blog. 

Anyhow, I'm off to work to go over my script with the boss and see what revisions he wants done on it.  Yes, I am shooting a video for training at work.  I do so love to direct and film people.  I guess that I am just another wanna-be film director trapped in a restaurant manager's life.

Peace in the Mid-East.  (Will never happen as long as W is in office)


Sunday, July 18, 2004

Ain't got a whole lot of shit to talk about (yeah, right!)

Not a whole hell of a lot has happened since last weeks post.  I had to fly to Dallas on Monday for an orientation/training session with the new corporate masters.  I never realized how BIG of a company this is, or how many things we are involved in.  I felt like I was a rookie with these guys, since the average time with the company most of these people had was about 8 years.  Little old me with only 5 days under my belt with these guys and I ran all over them in classes.  No one wanted to speak up about anything.  Then they had us do some role-playing for management/HR counseling.  Poor bastards gave me one where I got to be an employee who hates everyone--not much of a stretch for me.  Poor girl they had to play "manager" was too soft spoken and quiet--I ran all over her.  By the end of it, everyone wanted to strangle me, including the HR director.
I officially withdrew from school for the Summer term,  mainly because class and work combined were kicking my ass.  Before I left I asked my teacher if there was anything she wanted--she said "a man."  I told her it wasn't that type of a trip for me.  I know a lot of men who find her attractive, but are intimidated by her.  She is HOT though and if it weren't for the fact that she was my teacher, I'd be all over it.  She's got the most captivating eyes I've ever seen, and one hell of a personality (not to mention a smokin body).
I was supposed to go to the HOT pharmicist's going away party last night, but decided to pass since she is hell bent on getting me wasted.  It's too bad that she's moving back to El Paso, I'll get over it though.  Met another hottie the other night.  She was in my Algebra class last semester and she needed someone to talk too since the Argentinians were hitting on her.  She figured that I was a "safe" person to talk to.  She comes by the office about 3 times a week to get things for the drama department(mainly ice).  The only thing is that I fell like a dirty old man (she's only 21).  But then again that never stopped me, as long as they were old enough to buy beer legally.
That should about do it for now, I need to get back to work cleaning up the office and planning menu's for Fall semester.


Saturday, July 10, 2004

another sangria night

I've had a rather intresting few days since I last posted.

Thursday, I started the new job and boy is it a handful. I've got to get done in 2 weeks things that will take at least a month to do. After a full day of that I decided to head over to the friendly little watering hole I go to. I'm sitting there being my normal voiceiferous self talking to just about anyone who will talk to me when one of the regulars walks in a starts talking to me. I have no problem with his sexual orientation, but for the love of god, when you realize that I'm straight, don't try hitting on me. He was watching me check out the hot little (actually tall) bartender and keeps dropping hints that he could "change my mind". What the fuck is that all about? First off, there is no way in hell anyone could change my mind about what I want and don't want. Second off, even with all of there inherant fucked-uped-ness, women are the only thing that I'm attracted to.

I was grateful when some of the cashiers from the school happened to come in. I quickly got up and joined them. While talking to a really cute woman there I realized that I used to work with her mom afew years back. I used to give her mom crap, telling her that I'm going to be her future son-in-law. I had never met her daughter and lo and behold, here I am talking to this fine piece of woman. We're shamelessly flirting with each other and she asked me why I never go out with people from the university. I told her because I try not to get involved with people I work with. Then she said that I don't work with her so why not.

I finally had to get out of there because I had class at 8 am and a full day of work ahead of me. I just wish that the bartenders there weren't so damn EVIL. They kept giving me shot after shot of Sangria (yes, we shoot Sangria here). On my way out the door G (the hot bartender) grabs me and hands me another shot and says that I can't leave without taking that. I have a 30 mile drive home for chrissakes!

Anyhow, I need to wrap this up for now, more to follow. I need to get back to work and get some more things done. Everyone pray for me that I can make it thru these next few weeks. Between class and work, I may end up going SANE.



Tuesday, July 06, 2004

What's Happening

Ok, I've been kinda busy as of late. I have a final tomorrow for College Algebra and I'm NOT looking forward to it. I finally got a REAL job. The commute is going to kill me from where I live right now, so I decided to move closer to work, as in a block away.

I'm grateful that the EO still hasn't called again. I told my dad who it was that called and to tell her in no uncertain terms that I am not home, even if I am standing right next to him. WTF is her problem? I forgot, when you are on drugs or just getting off of them, sometimes you get a little sanguine about the past. She had her chance, more than once to reconcile with me. Her loss.

About the job thingy. I am now the Assistant Director of Food Services for the university. Yeah, I know, I'm still in restaurants, but at least I can go to school while I'm at it. It's with a decent company, so the prospects are much better than the last place I managed at. They filed for bankruptcy two months ago. Come to find out that they have been in the red for the past three years. What kind of company is that? Oh, well, they just got bought out by their biggest rivals. The new owners know how to run a business, so they may have a chance to survive, but not in some markets. Some of the markets they are in they have anywhere from 3 to 4 locations now, in a market that can barely handle just one.

I get to fly to Dallas next week for a few days--finally I'll be able to get some good food again and STARBUCKS. I was supposed to fly to Philly the week afterwards, still don't know if I'm going to, seeing as how that is going to make me miss more class time.

That should be it for now folks.