
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

New Diet

Well it seems that whenever I eat animal protiens, I get really tired, so I decided to severly limit my intake of them. I've gone full blown vegetarian now. The days that I did eat vegetarian, my energy levels sky rocketed, but whenever I ate meat (even poultry) I had a hard time getting up to speed. I don't know if this is going to be a full time thing, but for at least a month, I will be doing this. I just want to know why it's so much more expensive to eat like this? Vegetables are cheap to make as opposed to beef and chicken. You don't have to feed them or ensure their health to the level you do with animals.

I know some of you out there who know me are wondering if I'm going to turn into one of those hippie style vegetarians. Rest assured, I am still going to be the same person I always have been, only healthier. Next week I am starting back up at the gym and getting back to peak condition. Heaven help the world when that happens. Me in shape and healthy...

Everyone be good to each other.
