
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My Day

Not a whole hell of a lot to blog about today. Day off today. Spend most of the day watching movies, trying to study for class, and reflecting on my life. Been pretty depressed last few weeks. Trying to take stock of my life and all that crap. Then I was just checking e-mail and the evil one sent me an e-mail saying that she was trying to get ahold of me. It never fails, the minute I start to feel down about myself, she tries to get back into my life. I'll let everyone know that I won't let that happen to me again. Not by her, not by anyone ever again.
I guess I'm a lot like my best friend, Jason. He feels that he'll never find the "right" one for him, so he's going to give up even trying. We both have high standards and are both tired of a lot of the bullshit that women give us. Why can't I meet a woman who is intelligent, funny, attractive, good conversationalist, and not have a lot of issues? I don't crave a "realtionship" right now, but someone who can be my friend. Someone whom I can talk to whenever I'm feeling down? I guess that's because that person doesn't exist, at least not in reality. Sure, I've got male friends that I can talk to, but very few females that I can feel comfortable enough around.
Enough for now.
By the way, I shaved off my vandyke.


Monday, September 27, 2004

Just a Quickie!

Ok, a friend of mine told me today that I have been neglecting my blogging duties. So here's a quickie.

I've been busy working what is left of my ass off at work and in class. I've been slacking off, not studying like I should. So, I'm having to play catch-up on all of my classes. That's all for now.



Jerry Garza Lives!!

I took a look at a really good blog today. http://mrgarza.blogspot.com


Sunday, September 19, 2004

Intresting week

this is an audio post - click to play


Thursday, September 16, 2004


Well, had the meeting the other day. It went ok. Turns out that there have been a few problems that we needed to iron out and get out in the air. Got everything out in the open and have managed to get things to a better level. I've just been really stressed out about a few things that have affected me personally. I've started working out on a very regular basis and that has helped my stress level and sarcasm levels immensely. I spent most of yesterday cleaning house and doing laundry. I got a bit of reading done for classes, so I'll be set for next week's classes.

Not a whole hell of a lot else has been going on for me. I did volunteer to design and code our locations web-site. It should be pretty intresting for me to do. So with all that in mind, I'm going to head out and get some grub to eat.

Be good, or at least good at it.



Monday, September 13, 2004

My Day

Ok, let's see how my day went so far...

Went to work and my boss was a bit upset about something, but wouldn't really tell me what it was. Then I did a few hours outside trying to sell meal plan memberships to staff, faculty and commuter students. Not a single person was intrested. Then as I was trying to get out of there so I could go home to clean house before class one of the supervisors pulls me aside to talk to me. Turns out the director is pissed off at me, but would not tell me. So I have to try to sit him down tomorrow to find out what the fuck is going on. I've spent the last few weeks being "nicer," knowing damn good and well that I'm an honest person, even if it isn't "nice." I got told that I'm pissing people off, but no one has the balls to talk to me face-to-face. What the fuck is wrong with everyone? How come when I talk to them face-to-face they get upset, but all they can do is talk about me behind my back. If the boss wants me to change things, I need to know what needs to be changed. I'm not frigging psychic. How can I know what offends others, when nothing offends me? It's not that I don't care, it's just that there is too much bullshit in this world and no one can handle honesty. They want me to kiss everyone's ass. I'm a straight shooter, you tell me what you want done, I'll do it. Don't give me vague ideas and then expect me to succeed. Give me specifics, not generalities. Talk to people like a man, not a little child.

Ok, enough for now.



Sunday, September 12, 2004

Time to get the Fuck out of here!!!!

I finally came to the conclusion that it's time for me to get the fuck out of this messed up country. I'm putting the old nose to the grindstone so I can get my frigging degree, getting promoted within the company and getting the fuck out of the US. The older I get, the more fucked up I realize this country is. All we are is a bunch of moronic sociopaths. Or at least we allow ourselves to be lead by them, but which is worse?

Talked to my sister yesterday and she's planning on moving to Canada once she gets done with law school. I'm going to try to get transferred to the Irish branch of my company, or at the very least the German group. No matter how much we try to say that we are in a great country, we still allow bad things to happen to each other. Where is the social conscience? Where is the compassion, the caring? I don't think it exists in this place anymore. We are a combative country. Why can't we all accept each other for who we are? Why can't we be honest with each other and tell the truth? Are we so insecure of ourselves that we have to lie and degrade others? All it takes is for each and everyone of us to put ourselves in the other persons shoes. Then it might make a difference. Then again I may just be blowing smoke out of my ass.



Friday, September 10, 2004

Not my week.

Arrgggghh. I hate being sick. I've spent the last 4 days trying to recover from some sort of crud that has been kicking my ass. I even went to a doctors office to try to get this shit over with. The scary thing is that I told the doc that my throat is what was bothering me and then I had to drop trou and get a shot in the ass. It helped me feel better for about 2 hours and then I started to feel like shit again.

The today as I was trying to open a pack of roast beef, I sliced my middle finger to the bone. Talk about something that hurt. They told me to go get stitches, to hell with that. I grabbed some tape and taped that bastard up REAL good.

Sent a dozen donuts to the english prof, managed to make her blush. But all she said to the delivery guy was for me to send 6 dozen next time. I guess it's time to give up on that prospect. Just when I meet someone who is cool, something goes wrong. I still don't know what it is that went wrong. Maybe I'm too nice? Too quiet? Dunno what it could have been. I'm gonna stop trying anymore. Just try to get through the day and keep on going. Just be myself and to hell with everyone else.

That's all for now folks, I need to act like I'm working again.



Sunday, September 05, 2004

Frigging SBC

this is an audio post - click to play


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Back to school again

Ok. I'm back for a while.

I found out Saturaday that I'm still enrolled in classes here in Hell. I had to spend a good 2 hours Monday morning to get some things cleared up so I can attend class. I ended up dropping one of my three classes due to the fact that I had already missed 3 sessions of it. There is no way I could have devoted enough time to it anyway.

Friday I was forced to be interviewed for the campus newspaper. The boss told me to be nice in it and not give them my opinion about how fucked up this place is. Then today, the paper came out and I saw the horrid pic they took of me. Tomorrow is going to be a Hell-day for me. I am introducing these little fuck-stains to Cajun food. For lunch, it's all Cajun food and nothing else. It's an experiment that I'm trying with them. All they eat is crap food and don't want to try anything different, so I'm not giving them a choice in the matter.

Love-life-wise, still nothing has been going on. I realized the other night that I miss having someone around. Not so much for sex, but for the companionship. Someone I can talk to and just make me feel worthwhile. I'm in my mid-30's now and don't have a family of my own, nor am I involved with anyone. Hell, the longest real relationship I've had only lasted a few months of continious contact. I've realized that having someone in my life would help me settle down a bit and give me something to focus on. I still wish that I could find an equal to me. Most of the "girls" here are just that--girls. Most of them have never had someone treat them with respect, kindness, or caring. My old room-mates once told me, "Rob, if you treated any woman half as good as you treated the Evil One, they'd be yours for life." Funny thing is that in order to treat them like that, I need to find someone whom I can relate to. I'm scared to death by a woman who is my equal, but yet, that is what I desire. Someone who is open, honest, truthful, compassionate, caring, and can make me listen to her, not because she wants me to, but because she can captivate my mind and make me want to listen

Ok, enough of my depressing bullshit. See ya'll on the flip side.
