
Monday, November 28, 2005

I guess the First Amendment Means Nothing

Yeah, I'm still a little bitter about losing my job. Why shouldn't I be upset? Afterall I was terminated for writing in this forum. I thought freedom of speech was protected by the Constitution, but I guess it doesn't apply to writing out your thoughts and feelings. Did you know that you can be fired from your job for having your own beliefs and ideas? It just annoys the piss out of me that this had happened. I worked my ass off for these people and what do they do when they get a little insight to me? They fire me. Not once did I put the company down nor where I worked. Maybe I have said a few things about people in general, but who hasn't? I wish people would grow the fuck up and let people have their own ideas and thoughts. The sad thing is that I was fired because I talked to someone who went to school there. Since when is it a crime to try to get to know people?

Ok, I'm off to see if I can find a new job. One where I can be myself and not worry about offending the uber-lords over me.



Saturday, November 26, 2005

New name

Sorry about changing the name of my site. I changed it because there are some simpleminded people out there who caused me to lose my job because of it. There are people out there who piss me the fuck-off. I worked for a bunch of cowards who didn't like what I had to say in MY forum. Never once did I name names, nor mention the name of the company I worked for. Well, the gloves are off. I worked for one of the largest contract services companies in the world. For those of you who guessed, yes it was nunyabusiness. The chickenshits said that I was let go because I had asked out a student at the university where I was at. Never once was I told that I couldn't do that. Hell, you have professors fucking their students all the time, and I get fired for trying to ask out one of them? I was told that I was soliciting people to read it, but not ONCE did I tell them the site name. All they had to do was look up my name and there it was. Fucking simpleminded motherfuckers. Since when does working for someplace make it to where they can invade your private life. If I would have met this woman outside of the university setting, would I have been fired, even though she's a student there? What's the fucking difference? I know why. It's because I'm too open and honest in person, just like I am here. Monday morning I'm off to see if I can collect unemployment (for the first time in my life) and try to find another job just to get me through until I get another management gig.

Wish me luck.


Monday, November 21, 2005


Is there anything in here that could be considered inflamitory? Anything that could be construed as negative towards work? This a public forum, but I have never once told anyone what this site is, they found it naturally on their own. Not everything that is written in here is reality, but some of it is just a thought.

You tell me, is there anything, in reality, that could make a person be let go from their job?



Thursday, November 17, 2005

I need advice

I've had dreams about the one that got away lately. The problem with it is that we broke up over wanting kids at the time. For a long time I thought I couldn't have kids, but shortly after we split up I found out I could. At the time we were together it wouldn't have been fair for me to have a family. I worked late nights and weekends, but now I have a good job-no late nights or weekends. We connected at our first meeting, we acted like we'd been together for years, even though it was just a few weeks. It was the first time I believed in love at first sight and so did she. I still miss her with all my heart and soul, but one of the last things she said to me was that if I loved her, not to talk to her again. I haven't talked to her, but I have tried to call her, because I still care for her, but she never answered. The last time I sent her a text telling her thanks, the medallion she gave me fell off it's chain for no reason. I haven't let it leave my possession ever since she gave it to me. A friend of mine, who is a witch, said it had a very strong spell put on it. I still want to know if she is the mother of my child. She said that if she had a child she would raise it herself whether the father wanted to be there or not. I want a family more than anything else. More than that, I want to be with someone whom I can truly love. With her, I felt true love in my life. I was to be in Houston tonight, but I was scared to go see her at her job tomorrow. I decided to take a day of rest before I had to go up there and try to get my shit together. I'm afraid that she will explode for not respecting her wishes and get a stalking charge on me. I know that I should move on, but when you get a strong feeling that something big is happening that you should be there for, you need to know what is really going on.

The question is: Should I go talk to her, no matter how embarrassing it is to her at work, or not?

I'm waiting on you all.



Morning everyone

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I've been working my ass off lately, but after work tonight I'm off for a 3 day weekend. I have to go to Houston for a wedding on Saturday. I get to see a few old friends from when I lived there. But the more important part is that I am going to try to find out some truth from one of my exes. Actually, the truth from the only ex that I still have feelings for. Going to talk to her is going to go down one of two different ways: 1. she'll be extremely pissed off or, 2. it will go too well. I'm hoping for #1. WIsh me luck.



Friday, November 04, 2005

Fucking People

Wednesday I woke up sick as hell, but still went into work because I needed to be there. Not just for work mind you, but because this one women that I had become infatuated with has class on Monday and Wednesdays. Those are the two days I really look forward to going into work just for the hope that I'd get a chance to talk to her. Well, she finally came in Wednesday and I finally got the courage up to talk to her. We spent about 10 minutes talking to each other and I got to know a bit more about her and I am a bit impressed. I asked if she'd like to get together and do something in the near future and she said yes. I asked her for her number so I could give her a call and set something up. I was walking on air the rest of the day. Nothing could have gotten the smile off my face short of major surgery.

I know that there is a "3 day rule" about calling a woman, but what the hell, I gave her a call yesterday to see if we could get together for coffee after I got off work. The phone rings and when the voice mail picks up, it's a guy's number. What the Fuck? Did I accidently call the wrong number? Nope, checked it, the number she gave me is the one I called. Maybe she forgot to put down the proper area code, maybe she didn't have the courage to tell me no? I talk to a friend of mine and she said that maybe she hadn't changed the voice mail when she got the phone. I was still in a pretty good mood, a little let down, but still going good. I never would have approached her if a mutual friend of ours hadn't told me that she thought that I was "hot." I figured that I would have had a chance.

Today after I got off work I sent that number a text message apologizing for calling it, but that I was trying to reach her. About an hour goes by and it's some guy asking who I was trying to reach. I told him and he asked where I know her from. So he says that he will let her know that I called. What the fuck is going on with these people? Her friends tell me that she's available and she seemed extremely intrested in getting together, but then she gives me the wrong fucking number. A friend of mine said that maybe it's her ex's number and she's trying to make him jealous, or that it's her brother and she's doing that to guage if I'm really intrested. Why the fucking games people? Either you are intrested or you aren't. There is no gray area in that shit. If she really is intrested in me, she's lost a lot of ground in my book. I know that she's probably afraid of some men, but I'm one of the good guys and has nothing to fear from me.

Then when I get home I have to deal with a friend of mine's personal drama. It's getting real fucking old having to play her therapist. She needs to find what she wants and stick with it and stop going after losers. She'll never find a guy that will put up with her "poor me" bullshit. All of the guys she goes after are on a powertrip and are users of people. I know what I speak of, because I used to be one too. Now that I have gotten a lot older, all I want is someone that I lok forward to talking to on a daily basis. Looks fade, so does sexual desire, but if they have a mind I can stay entertained for years. I want someone that I can grow old with, someone to have a family with, someone who can make me smile just thinking about them. I knew the right words to say to others to get what I wanted, but now it's time to just be myself and to hell with what others think.

Ok, time to get off of my soapbox.



Thursday, November 03, 2005

whooo hoooo 10000 hits!!