
Thursday, May 27, 2004

Cuba Libre

Ok, I know I've been slacking off in my blogging duties as of late. I never realized just how much until last night when I got a call from a friend of mine bitching at me to post more often.

I've not been doing a whole hell of a lot lately. I spent about 3 hours yesterday fixing a leak in my bathtub (it only took me 15 minutes, but I had to keep going back to the hardware store to get more parts).

I did get a chance to see a movie that really got me pumped up and ready to do some shit (no, it wasn't the latest Jenna Jameson vid). I'm not a big fan of the movie Bad Boys, but I think that the sequel kicked major ass.

I remember the time I first saw it with my bastard son and his girlfriend. Afterwards he and I wanted to go to Cuba and blow shit up. We even talked about taking over Cuba--to hell with what we're doing now, just go over there and take over. Come on, Castro's like 200 by now, it's about time he kicked the bucket. It would be a perfect set up--free rum and Cuban cigars. We'd make a few changes of course. Legalize gambling, prostitution, and of course drugs. We'd make a killing by fleecing the Americanos by taxing the Hell out of everything that is "immoral." We'd have mad biatches and all the money we could make off of the stupid tourists. It's just a thought. Anyone want to help join up in out little quest to make a Paradise only 90 miles away from Florida is welcome to help us out. We have the training and the motivation, we just need the people to help us out in the beginning.

All I can say is "Fuck Fidel Castro!!"

Peace in the NorthEast (El Paso).


Saturday, May 22, 2004

Sleep Deprivation...

I'm kinda experimenting with sleep deprivation right now. By the time this is posted I will have gone 38 hours with no sleep. you may ask why am I doing this? I really don't know why I'm doing this.

It all started about 9 am Friday, when I got woken up by the phone ringing. It was my sister calling with some bad news. I'm really not going to talk about it right now, but if pressured I just may let you all know what happened. Since the sun was up and it was starting to get warm outside, I couldn't fall back asleep. I decided to do a little work around the house, get things cleaned and do a bit of work on the floors that have some dry-rot. After I finished this up, I called the bank up to see if my tax return finally was deposited. Joy of joys, it finally is here, but I can't get it until after 2PM.

At about 2:15, I go down and take out some money to get some groceries (about $150 worth) and make my list of things that I want to get. I decided to run to El Paso early the next morning to get the things that I had on the list, but I couldn't fall asleep, so I decide to drive up at about 9PM. From here to El Paso is about a 3 hour drive, so I could get in around 11PM (there's a time change from here to there). I really have been craving my Starbucks, since the nearest one is a 2 1/2 hour drive away, but they would have been closed by the time I got to that one. I pull into El Paso at 10:45 (local time) and get 2 venti mocha frapps.

I then go over to Wally World to see if they have any cheap dvd players (mine has been dead for about 3 months now). I made sure I DIDN't grab a cart since I can never get out of there without spending waaaaay too much money and getting things that I really didn't need. I have a rule of only getting what I can carry in my 2 hands. I find one for about $53 and a rack for my movies for about $20. I then walk over to the portable players just to see how much they are costing these days. I find a pretty decent one for $130 that can hook up to your home TV. I decide to put the regular one back and get the portable one. Hell, it's a long boring drive back, at least this way I can watch movies while I'm on the road. Since I didn't bring anything to watch I grab a copy of Bruce Campbell Vs. the Army of Darkness. It's a pretty cheesy horror/action film, so it's not going to distract me too much while driving.

After 2 hours of wandering around Wally World, I realize that I need to head back home so I can get some sleep before sun-rise. I stop at a truck stop to grab a pack of smokes and a fresh Mt. Dew and see that they have a Derby Owners Club game there. I am so addicited to that game that I stop and talk to some of the players and trade strategies. After an hour of bullshitting I go back out to the car and hit the road for home.

I pull into the house around 5AM and throw on a movie so I can go to sleep. I was so exhausted that I couldn't fall asleep so I stay up until I get so tired that I pass out. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet to me.

I'm going to see how much the sleep deprivation changes my perceptions or gives me insights to reality. I'll give updates on the whole perception thing if it works, or if I pass out from exhaustion or boredom,or if I go insane trying to do this.

See ya'll later.


Sunday, May 16, 2004

When will the Lies stop?

OK, I finally saw the Nick Berg video and all I can say is that it's very disturbing to watch. What disturbs me most is that there is an 11 hour gap in the video tape. It all looked very scripted and fake. I don't know about you, but if someone is trying to cut off my head, I'll struggle as much as I can and scream as much as possible. Instead, I saw NO struggle or heard any screaming. The fact that there was a minimum for blood coming out of where they cut him is even more disturbing. A cut like that would spurt blood everywhere, instead it dribbled out. In my opinion he was killed before they decapitated him, if they really did. The face and the way things looked, they looked very much like it was a special effect. The face looked very "plastic."

MY condolences go out to the victim's family and I feel a great tragedy has befallen this country. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved-ones in the course of mis-action that has taken place since December 2001. All of the lives lost due to our government's misuse of power to wage wars without an open declaration.

Why won't the truth be told? Why did the Deptarment of Defense NOT allow his family to meet the coffin when it arrived to the States? Why won't the government admit to having him in custody when the victim told his family that he was in US custody? What is the government trying to hide? Why hasn't the government freed up some of the strategic oil reserves to allieviate the high gas prices? Economically speaking, this is one of the worst ideas they haven't used. With the raising gas prices, consumer goods will become more expensive, thus making the money you make worth less and less. I feel that there is not a war on terror, but a war to create more poverty.

Ok, enough for now.



Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Done With School (For Now)

I finished my last final about 3 hours ago. What have you been doing since then, you ask?
Well, if you'd have bothered to look at the "new and improved" look of the blog, you'd know. Sure this is a Blogger template, but I did have to put all my info back into the code. That really sucked.
I'm now going to write a review for a restaurant that I had lunch at today and see if any of the newspapers locally will buy it. I'm trying to find some sort of a job that I can do without really working. I figure if I want a job where I don't have to work at all, I'll go into politics or some other sort of government job. (No offense to those of you out there who do have government jobs).
I'm going to miss coming to the library for the next month or so. Especially since there are some HOT looking girls that come in here. Right now there's this cute little brunette sitting diagonally across from me. It sucks!!! I have no courage when it comes to talking to attractive females that I don't already know (Jerry, you can attest to that one).
I guess what I'm saying about that is, that I'm a chicken-shit when it comes to talking to them. It's ok if they come up to me and start talkig, but I just can't seem to do it myself. Although there is a difference if I have you for a class or have seen you at work or some other place. Hell, I don't know what I'm talking about--yet again. So, I'll shut the hell up for now and call it a day.

Pax. (That's peace in Latin for you dumb-shits).


Saturday, May 08, 2004

Why Can't I meet Someone?

Ok, last night I went out and tied one on (actually I tied several on). Here's how it happened.

Yesterday at lunch I run into a girl I used to work with. We started talking and I asked her if she was doing anything after work. She said she wasn't so I asked her if she'd like to have a few drinks. She agreed. I met her up at one of the few bars in town and visited with her for a while. We spent about 3 hours just talking and shooting the shit when she says that she needs to get home because her boyfriend is expecting her at home soon. The whole boyfriend thing wasn't much of a surprise to me considering the last time I saw her she was telling me about him. It didn't piss me off all that much. So I'm sitting there finishing up my last beer that I ordered when the 2 ladies at the table next to where we were sitting ask me to join them. What the hell, I had noticed them when they sat down as well as their wedding rings.

The cute of the two is one of the "Holy Roller" types and had overheard part of the conversation I was having earlier about "The Passion." So she wanted to talk to me about how I felt about the movie and discuss religion. Thankfully , the other one is not a religious person. So we're sitting there drinking and talking about all sorts of things when their cell phones go off. Yup, it's their husbands. One of them has to drive an hour and a half to get home to her's, the other plans on staying a bit longer becasue she's enjoying our talk. Luckily the one that had to leave wants to get together with me and go drinking, so she gives me her number. Just my luck it's the religous nut that wants to stay. I figure "What the Hell," after all she's kinda cute and it turned out we know so of the same people from when she was in high school. (Yes, we ex-band geeks do know how to network in a BIG way.)

To make a long story short, no I didn't do anything with her, nor would I (unless there's money involved, hehe). I've met a total of three women in this area that I'd even remotely want to get involved with now. The first one is the one that I originally met at the bar, but she's attached, which really sucks. The second one is really very attractive and I have a lot in common with (including being a chocoholic), but I'm afraid she's out of my league. The last one is very much married, and therefore very much un-attainable for me.

I guess it's time for me to try to find a "real" job and get back into the grind of things again. I miss the excitement of city life. The fact that you can find something to do at any hour of the day. I also miss my Starbucks at 4 am, talking about all sorts of things with my friends, especially ways to make money off of the gullible people out there. I need to get to some place where I can meet people that I have something in common with, because down here I have very little in common with most of them, unless it's family memebers we both have in common. It sucks being in a small town where you have about five generations of family history. The only way you're not related to them is if they aren't from here. Sure my neighbors downhill are cute, but they are just freshmen in college and toooo damn young for me. I admit that I'm a dirty old man in training, but 19 is too young. Hell, they can't even buy beer legally in the US. That and I'm old enough to be their father, just something's not right about that.

That's enough for now.


Friday, May 07, 2004

One Down, One to Go

Finally, this semester is almost done. Finished one final, almost had another today, and one more on Tuesday. I'm hoping for another stellar performance in college. Last time around I had a 4.0, not too hard considering the classes I took-American History Before 1877, Human Sexuality, and yes, Weightlifing. This time around the classes were a bit harder (not by too much). I only took a measly 9 hours-American History after 1877, Intro to Psychology, and Freshamn English. The thing that pisses me off about the Intro to Psych class is that the professor said it's supposed to be the hardest class you take in college. WTF is that all about? For chrissakes, it's an intro class. It's not like it's an advance course in M-Theory Physics, or a graduate course in Fracticals, it's a fucking freshman class.

I think the big problem with the instructor is that she hasn't been laid since she was a student. Funny thing is that most of the class think that she loves me because I know most of the answers. Hell, I know the answers to things she should know. I almost got into it with her about how River Phoenix died. She said it was just from cocaine use. If she were a little more informed she would have known it was from multiple drugs in his system. He died from a cardiac arrest caused by the following drugs--Valium, Marijuana, Methamphetamines, Heroin, and yes, even cocaine. All of these drugs were found in his system at lethal levels. What the hell is a lethal level for marijuana? Is that where you are so baked that you eat yourself to death? You are so paraniod that you are going to get caught that you freak-out to death? I think that there is no such thing as a lethal dose of marijuana. There how ever can be a lethal dose of Twinkies or Pop-Tarts (most of my pot-headed friends can attest to those being their favorite munchie when baked).


Thursday, May 06, 2004


Not a whole hell of a lot going on, so I've decided to watch a bunch of movies I loved as a kid. The first one I watched was the original Planet of the Apes. That movie was so far ahead of it's time that I think it's scary. Most people think it's a "cute" movie about a man that goes to a future where the apes have taken over. But after watching it again for the first time in years, I noticed it's not about that at all. It's about race-relations. The apes treat man as inferior because of their skin-color. True, man is an inferior species, but hell, we all knew that. We kill for sport or for ideas. How truly fucked-up is that?

Sorry, that's all I've got for now, my brain is fried from studying. It's time for some sleep.


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

My face

Today I've been getting a lot of grief because I shaved off my Vandyke. Here's how it happened.

Yesterday when I went to trim my beard I noticed that my beard trimmer was dead and I couldn't find the recharger. So being innovative I decided to use the trimmer on my electric razor. Bad idea! While I was trimming the right side I mis-judged how much to trim and alas, I gouged out a whole piece of my beard. Nothing pisses me off more than ugly, mis-matched facial hair. So I decided to shave the whole damn thing off. I sat there looking at myself with just a mustache and realized that I looked like some child molester. So, I shaved the whole thing off. Now I look like a 14 year-old on chemotherapy. I've been shaving my head for almost 3 years now and I love it, but without facial hair I look very young. I've always hated having a baby-face. It means that I always get carded (I'm 34 for chrissakes), no one takes me seriously, and people want to fuck with me.

Gve me about 3 weeks and I'll be back to my "Anton LeVey" look. Nothing scares people more than a big bald man with a Vandyke. (For those of you who don't know what a Vandyke is, it's a mustache with a goatee).
