HR 4457
Just needed to sign in about this shit. Since when has our country not wanted illegal aliens in it? How many "Americans" are not descended from illegals? Technically all of us in this fucked up nation are all illegal, yes even the Native Americans. They all crossed to get here. The Cockasian minority of this country are wetbacks as well, or have they forgotten that their ancestors had to ride a boat to get here? The only ones who are Americans who didn't have a choice are the African Americans. All of them were sold by their own people to the whites. I know that I may not be Politically Correct in my statements, but you don't have to read it if you don't want to.
I feel that our current administration (dictatorship) needs to wake up and smell the frijoles. If it weren't for Hispanic culture in our society we wouldn't have some of the best food out there. Or Shakira. Or Ricky Martin. Wait, that last one is a good reason to hate Hispanic culture.
What I'm trying to get across is that our nations was meant to be a "Melting pot" of cultures and peoples. If this resolution goes through, all of our ancestors will have come here in vain. The next move they will try to impose will be that we will have to wear a sign on our clothes stating what our ancestry is. Then they will round up those that aren't white enough and send them off to camps a la Germany 1938. Remember when our country rounded up all the Japanese Americans and sent them to camps? Did they once apologize? Remember how our country keeps all of it's native residents in camps (reservations) and they are still classified as POWs? People wake up and realize that the only way that there can be true equality in our country is when we look past the outward appearance and look at the character of the people they are stereotyping.
I could care less what your ancestry is, what I look at is the person's intellect and overall out look on life. Do I feel sorry for others? HELL NO! Do I feel that we should pay the descendants of slaves reparations? HELL NO AGAIN! Do I feel that capable, able-bodied people should be on welfare? What do you think? IF you are capable of working, WORK. The only people who should be on SSI are those who have spent their lives working hard to deserve it, not people my age who are too lazy to lose weight and get a job.
That's it for now.