
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

New Diet

Well it seems that whenever I eat animal protiens, I get really tired, so I decided to severly limit my intake of them. I've gone full blown vegetarian now. The days that I did eat vegetarian, my energy levels sky rocketed, but whenever I ate meat (even poultry) I had a hard time getting up to speed. I don't know if this is going to be a full time thing, but for at least a month, I will be doing this. I just want to know why it's so much more expensive to eat like this? Vegetables are cheap to make as opposed to beef and chicken. You don't have to feed them or ensure their health to the level you do with animals.

I know some of you out there who know me are wondering if I'm going to turn into one of those hippie style vegetarians. Rest assured, I am still going to be the same person I always have been, only healthier. Next week I am starting back up at the gym and getting back to peak condition. Heaven help the world when that happens. Me in shape and healthy...

Everyone be good to each other.



Monday, August 25, 2008

Intresting Month

Let's see it's been a long, long, long while since I've posted here. Let's see what's been going on since I last posted.

Have a new job. The pay is good and it's doing something that I'm good at--managing restaurants. The food is actually pretty decent- 4 star quality with a 2 star price. I get a little more leeway there because they can see what I'm capable of doing.

I realized that some of the women in my life have been toxic to me. In my attitude, my direction in life, just plain bad for me. The one that I posted about in the post right before I have no clue about her life and I really don't want to know. I really don't know if I'll find real love, but I have met a few really cool people since then.

Found out the "Evil One" is in prison and has her sister harassing me to write her. I told her no deal on that. She had her chance to have me in her life, but she chose what she did. I'm not being heartless, but that goes back to what I had in the previous paragraph.

From now on, I will only surround myself with people that I don't have to put on an act for. People who take me for who I am. One's that I can truly be myself around and to hell with what other's think. Life is too damn short to stay bitter, to be a fake, and in general be an unhappy person.

I've learned to be myself a lot more these days than I have been in a long long long time. I'm a writer, a geek, a hell of a cook, and in general a great person.

I'm not going to be bitter in these posts, but from time to time, I will have to let the bile spill out just to get it out of my system. So I guess I will be bitter, but I won't take it into my real life.

Everyone be good to each other.



Sunday, February 25, 2007

Life Throws a Curve Ball at me again

Ok, I know that I haven't posted all that much in quite a while. I've been busy-work, life and someone that I loved very much. Turns out that she's still hung up on her ex and is afraid to hurt me. So for now we aren't together again. This really sucks!!!!!! I love her and miss her with all my heart and soul. I was ready to throw it all away just because I couldn't be with her. Then on the last time I see her she tells me that she still loves me, misses me and wants me to stay. WTF!!!!! So I change my plans and stay here, now she won't even talk to me. I'll just throw myself into work and get out of this financial hole that I'm in and then go from there.



Saturday, September 02, 2006

Seeing yourself through others eyes

Up until recently I refused to see myself through anothers' eyes. My older friends and family had seen a huge change in who I once was and who I was turning into, and didn't like where it was going. I figured that it is my life and I can do with it as I please. That's a truth, but it concealed a HUGE lie. It was destructive to my persona. I was becoming mean and bitter, which is something I truly am not at heart. I became an automaton, going through the motions, but never really being myself again. I never let those around me see the true person who is here, just a shell that was hardened and caustic towards those who came near me. I smoked, I drank too much, I was cruel and almost evil. But more than that, I wasn't happy with who I was.

Then one day a month or so ago, it took running into someone to make me look at myself. To quote Rollins, "I was a 'decorator.'" I was decorating everyone around me with my shit. Why did I do that? Because of failed relationships, jobs, etc.. But then I opened my eyes and saw that I once was a great person, instead of this ok person that was looking at me in the mirror. What I mean by great, not Ghandi great, but a person who at one time had the whole world at his disposal if he just would have grasped it. I don't mean that in a power-hungry way, but in a way that I could have done anything I wanted and been great at it.

What caused this downfall? One word--WOMEN. Women have always been my weakness. They make me do stupid things for the wrong reasons. When I get my heart crushed, I don't try to pick up the pieces and keep going, or find someone else to take the place. I run away and hide myself from everyone for a while. I had someone crush me way back when and it took me a while to recover fully. Then again I had someone else stomp me down about 6 years ago, took me three years to get a bit better. Then I was destroyed 3 years ago and never thought I would recover.

Then I woke up one day and realized that all of those women weren't worth it. I saw their flaws, how it was never anything I had done. I also realized that every single one of them I was trying to "save" from themselves or the world. To remake them into something that they were not. I never looked at them for who they were, but for who they could be with patience and time on my part. I would put all of myself into reconstructing them into my ideal and when they realized what I was doing, they left. From the day of my "awakening" on I have tried to find someone for them self, not who they could be. I have learned to become honest in all I do and say. To accept others, flaws and all for being my equal. I have since stopped smoking. I have become a better person for meeting this person, not because I want to impress them, but because I saw myself through their eyes. Now if I could just get this person to see them self through my eyes and see what a wonderful and charming person they really are. Only time will tell and that is something I am willing to give them.



Monday, August 28, 2006

Back for a while

Ok all, I'm back yet again. I've been busy working my ass off for too little money and not enough satisfaction. I'm currently working on a "thought experiment." All I'm trying to do is enlighten my fellow humans to a lot of the truths that are hidden out in the world around us. It may not do to well once it's published, but then again if I can sell 2 copies, I'll be happy.

I'll tell ya'll more when I get the time to update everyone on the goings ons of this lowly troll.



Monday, April 24, 2006

HR 4457

Just needed to sign in about this shit. Since when has our country not wanted illegal aliens in it? How many "Americans" are not descended from illegals? Technically all of us in this fucked up nation are all illegal, yes even the Native Americans. They all crossed to get here. The Cockasian minority of this country are wetbacks as well, or have they forgotten that their ancestors had to ride a boat to get here? The only ones who are Americans who didn't have a choice are the African Americans. All of them were sold by their own people to the whites. I know that I may not be Politically Correct in my statements, but you don't have to read it if you don't want to.

I feel that our current administration (dictatorship) needs to wake up and smell the frijoles. If it weren't for Hispanic culture in our society we wouldn't have some of the best food out there. Or Shakira. Or Ricky Martin. Wait, that last one is a good reason to hate Hispanic culture.

What I'm trying to get across is that our nations was meant to be a "Melting pot" of cultures and peoples. If this resolution goes through, all of our ancestors will have come here in vain. The next move they will try to impose will be that we will have to wear a sign on our clothes stating what our ancestry is. Then they will round up those that aren't white enough and send them off to camps a la Germany 1938. Remember when our country rounded up all the Japanese Americans and sent them to camps? Did they once apologize? Remember how our country keeps all of it's native residents in camps (reservations) and they are still classified as POWs? People wake up and realize that the only way that there can be true equality in our country is when we look past the outward appearance and look at the character of the people they are stereotyping.

I could care less what your ancestry is, what I look at is the person's intellect and overall out look on life. Do I feel sorry for others? HELL NO! Do I feel that we should pay the descendants of slaves reparations? HELL NO AGAIN! Do I feel that capable, able-bodied people should be on welfare? What do you think? IF you are capable of working, WORK. The only people who should be on SSI are those who have spent their lives working hard to deserve it, not people my age who are too lazy to lose weight and get a job.

That's it for now.



Thursday, February 23, 2006

Back, but not for too long

Looks like some asshole took the name robmiles.blogspot.com, so I have to take this one for now. I currently don't have a constant source of net so I have to resort to the evil that is Kinkos for now. Been trying to get the stupid bird for a provider but they never answer their phones and I refuse to give Satan's Bitch's Children any money (SBC), so it looks liek I have to resort to this for a while longer.

Not much in the personal life for now except for working my ass off, but at least I feel it's for some good.

Catch you all on the flip side.