Have a Glorious Samhain
For those of you who don't know better, today (October 31) is one of the most revered days in the Celtic calender. Today is Samhain (pronounced saw-HAIN), or the Feast for the Dead. In the old days, this was the end of the old year and was maked by feasts and celebrations. It signified the death of the old year and it was followed by Yule-the festival of re-birth (which happens to be the same day as the Winter Solstace).
I celebrate it in a different way. Today is a day of rememberance of all those who I have lost in my life. It is a chance to remember them in a way that most wouldn't understand. Today is the day when the walls between this world and the next are down. This is a day that the dead can visit you, but only if you believe that they can. I want to take this day and say thanks to the people who have passed before me, that I knew and the ones that I never got to know. Your sacrifices have been many in life and in death, you will live on just as long as one person remembers you. The memory is what keeps the soul alive. Because without that memory, who is to say whether they even existed?
I also use today to remember all those who I have loved in the past. As well as, those that I still love today. Thank all of you for becoming a part of who I am and who I shall become one day, for good or bad.
I want to thank my grandparents, who taught me the strength of love and to be myself. Nolan for helping me see what I needed to do in the past (in a dream). My godfather, whom I still regret not spending enough time getting to know. All the others whom without I would never even be here.
That's all for now, I need to call some people up and let them know how I feel right now.