Ok, I pretty much explained how I felt about this "holiday" last year. I've heard so many stereotypes about an Irishman and they are all wrong. If they had a holiday where they made fun of other ethnic groups, it would never happen. All I've heard is that the Irish are beligerant drunks from the local people today. How come I don't hear them telling stereotypes on Martin Luther King day about black people? Or about Mexican's on Cinco de Mayo? It's because they know that it's wrong to do that.
The only day most of these people will ever try corned beef is today and then drink themselves into oblivion. Then why don't they have fried chicken and watermelon on MLK day, or tacos and tequila on Cinco de Mayo? Because it's "ok" to make fun of a "white" minority and not the non-white minorities. These people are ignorant about the Irish people.
Did you know that while the Dark Ages were going on, the only repository of knowledge was in Ireland? A recent discovery revealed that Ireland is also the location of mythical Atlantis. The Irish are a peaceful, educated people. What about "Americans?" If you look around, we are an illeterate, war-like people. Then why are we denegrating an incredible culture? Because as American's we are afraid of things we don't understand.
Sure the Irish have a reputation for being fighters, but so would you if your people were enslaved for over one THOUSAND years. Yeah, it's a shame that the blacks were enslaved for over 300 years, but they were enslaved by their OWN people. We were not. We were occupied by the ENGLISH and made their slaves for a lot longer than the blacks were. Sure we weren't "slaves," but does the noose not exsist regardless. We had no rights, no freedom, not allowed to practice our faiths, speak our language, or even travel. I am all for paying reparations to the decendants of slaves as soon as the English pay reparations to the decendants of the Irish. Once they apologize and make amends, then, and only then will I willingly put aside my anger towards the inbred English.
Yes, I know this sounds a bit militant, but in an age where all other minority groups are given special considerations, why can't we get the same? Before you talk about another person's culture, learn about them. Not just the people, but the history, the culture, and even the language. You poor sad people that judge others without knowing their past is the reason why racism still exsists.
Think about it!