I'm kinda experimenting with sleep deprivation right now. By the time this is posted I will have gone 38 hours with no sleep. you may ask why am I doing this? I really don't know why I'm doing this.
It all started about 9 am Friday, when I got woken up by the phone ringing. It was my sister calling with some bad news. I'm really not going to talk about it right now, but if pressured I just may let you all know what happened. Since the sun was up and it was starting to get warm outside, I couldn't fall back asleep. I decided to do a little work around the house, get things cleaned and do a bit of work on the floors that have some dry-rot. After I finished this up, I called the bank up to see if my tax return finally was deposited. Joy of joys, it finally is here, but I can't get it until after 2PM.
At about 2:15, I go down and take out some money to get some groceries (about $150 worth) and make my list of things that I want to get. I decided to run to El Paso early the next morning to get the things that I had on the list, but I couldn't fall asleep, so I decide to drive up at about 9PM. From here to El Paso is about a 3 hour drive, so I could get in around 11PM (there's a time change from here to there). I really have been craving my Starbucks, since the nearest one is a 2 1/2 hour drive away, but they would have been closed by the time I got to that one. I pull into El Paso at 10:45 (local time) and get 2 venti mocha frapps.
I then go over to Wally World to see if they have any cheap dvd players (mine has been dead for about 3 months now). I made sure I DIDN't grab a cart since I can never get out of there without spending waaaaay too much money and getting things that I really didn't need. I have a rule of only getting what I can carry in my 2 hands. I find one for about $53 and a rack for my movies for about $20. I then walk over to the portable players just to see how much they are costing these days. I find a pretty decent one for $130 that can hook up to your home TV. I decide to put the regular one back and get the portable one. Hell, it's a long boring drive back, at least this way I can watch movies while I'm on the road. Since I didn't bring anything to watch I grab a copy of Bruce Campbell Vs. the Army of Darkness. It's a pretty cheesy horror/action film, so it's not going to distract me too much while driving.
After 2 hours of wandering around Wally World, I realize that I need to head back home so I can get some sleep before sun-rise. I stop at a truck stop to grab a pack of smokes and a fresh Mt. Dew and see that they have a Derby Owners Club game there. I am so addicited to that game that I stop and talk to some of the players and trade strategies. After an hour of bullshitting I go back out to the car and hit the road for home.
I pull into the house around 5AM and throw on a movie so I can go to sleep. I was so exhausted that I couldn't fall asleep so I stay up until I get so tired that I pass out. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet to me.
I'm going to see how much the sleep deprivation changes my perceptions or gives me insights to reality. I'll give updates on the whole perception thing if it works, or if I pass out from exhaustion or boredom,or if I go insane trying to do this.
See ya'll later.