Just when things start getting good for me, the EVIL ONE (also called the Bitch Queen) calls me out of the blue.
The reason why I've not posted in a while is because class is kicking my butt and I've been trying to get some things nailed down for a job. I got the job--Assistant Director of Food Services, here on campus. The money's not all that great for me, but in this area it's really, really good. I'm supposed to start my new job on Monday, so this may be the last for a while (not that many people care, since I don't get all that many hits or comments).
Back to the EO, she's tried to call me twice in two days. What for? Hell, I don't know, nor do I care! So I'm at home last night getting ready to take a bath when the phone rings. I didn't hear it the first time (running water kinda drowns out the sound of a phone in the other end of the house). But I did hear it the second time, so I run into the living room to answer it. She just wanted to call to see how I'm doing. What kinda shit is that? First off, you're still married to your husband, who happens to be in prison, again. Second off, you are living with a man old enough to be your father. Thirdly, she left me. Fourthly, she never told me that she was still married, even when I told her that she could tell me anything and I wouldn't be hurt. I'm a compassionate person, but she'd burned me more times that I care to count. I know that she's moved on, and all she is is a black place in my life. I wasted more time on her than she was worth.
I'm just grateful that I'm moving and not giving ANYONE my new phone number. I don't want to be bothered. If I want you to call me, then I'll give it out, but otherwise, you can play "Hide and Go Fuck Yourself." Ok, enough for now. I need to act like I'm working at least for another hour.
Peace in the Mideast (won't happen as long as W is in office, but it's a nice thought).