What an Idiot!
I can't believe that our "wonderful" President wants to focus on non-renewable energy sources. He want's us to build more oil refineries and nuke plants. Where is this money coming from? Private industry or from the public sector? Either way we, as a country are screwed. We need to focus on energy sources that can be replentished. Things like using a hydrogen-based combustion engine, fusion power and even solar power. I'm not an environmentalist, but with the level of technology we have, we should be making strides in new power sources. Even Nikoly Tesla had some ideas that worked, but are not in use at present. How come the Tokamak reactors are not fuctional? We have them scattered all over the country, but only for "experimental" purposes. How come we haven't been using any of the tech we have at Groom Lake to help alleviate the "energy crisis?" I think all of this crap is made up by the "overlords" who control out country. All they are doing is screwing over the working person and making fat cash in the process.
It's time that we make the "servant's of America" become answerable to the American people. We need a change in how we are lead. Instead of following blindly, we should hold them accountable.
American's need to learn to think for themselves and not follow a leader blindly. I know what I am saying can be construed as "outside the norm," but it's time we took back our country for the people and NOT the government.
Think about it!!