
Thursday, April 28, 2005

What an Idiot!

I can't believe that our "wonderful" President wants to focus on non-renewable energy sources. He want's us to build more oil refineries and nuke plants. Where is this money coming from? Private industry or from the public sector? Either way we, as a country are screwed. We need to focus on energy sources that can be replentished. Things like using a hydrogen-based combustion engine, fusion power and even solar power. I'm not an environmentalist, but with the level of technology we have, we should be making strides in new power sources. Even Nikoly Tesla had some ideas that worked, but are not in use at present. How come the Tokamak reactors are not fuctional? We have them scattered all over the country, but only for "experimental" purposes. How come we haven't been using any of the tech we have at Groom Lake to help alleviate the "energy crisis?" I think all of this crap is made up by the "overlords" who control out country. All they are doing is screwing over the working person and making fat cash in the process.

It's time that we make the "servant's of America" become answerable to the American people. We need a change in how we are lead. Instead of following blindly, we should hold them accountable.

American's need to learn to think for themselves and not follow a leader blindly. I know what I am saying can be construed as "outside the norm," but it's time we took back our country for the people and NOT the government.

Think about it!!


What a friggin week

Been really busy with work and some other things. Went out witht he nurse the other day, but haven't heard from her since. I guess that I am a loser. Oh well, her loss.

Found out that my favorite hang-out is clsing on Saturday and I'm trying to find buyers to keep it open. Found out that the owner owes the IRS 33k, hence the foreclosure. I have a few people lined up to try to buy it to keep it going. Found out that they netted 2.5M last year. What the hell was the owner doing to keep from making a profit? One of my friends has connections to find someone ot back this endeavor to keep it going. I want nothing more than a place that I like to stay open.

Had one of the women from work--not really works for me, but with me-one of the University staff--come up and flirt with me today. I knew that she liked me, but I heard that she was "high-maintainance," so I was trying to stay away. She's cute and has no kids that I know of, so what the hell? I called her up when I had a chance at her office and we traded numbers, so it looks like we're geting together this weekend. Could be worse, I could be doing the weekend alone (as usual).

Peace, love, and chicken grease!


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Sorry about the long wait...

Been really busy with work and all. The new boss has been making me think--not that I mind at all. Went out earlier tonight and had a few with him, his wife and a wine rep. The rep comped it all (WHOO HOOO!!!!). Had only about 6 beers and a pizza. Got a text message around 1 pm from the cute nurse I met last week. She told me that she wanted to see me out tonight at the bar we met at. Knowing me, I wound up there about 10 minutes before she even got there so I could get my normal seat at the bar. I am a very shy person and wanted to ask her out for dinner ever since I met her, but have been scared of her (typical reaction for me).

After a few hours of being around her I asked if she'd like to get together tomorrow after I got off work and she said she'd love to do that. It took a lot for me to get the guts to ask her out. I at least got rewarded with a kiss when I did. Not only did I get one kiss but I got a few more afterwards--nothing too major--just a good closed-mouth kisses. Finally I've got a date with someome who I find attractive in a lot of ways. We'll see how it goes. She even texted me when I got home and sent me a few good messages after that. I called her up while writing this and she said that she was in bed and that she had a great time and wanted to get together for dinner tomorrow evening. I'm not getting my hopes up, but I really don't date all that much. She knows about my 2 year celabicy streak and doesn't have a problem with the fact that I'm not the type of guy who would jump into bed with anyone at random. Then again any woman that has a problem with that, I don't want anything to do with.

We'll see how it goes tomorrow, I have to get up early for work, so I'm off to bed.



Sunday, April 17, 2005

Finally putting a memory to rest

Today (Saturday) is my last "real" exes birthday. I got the courage up to wish her a happy birthday and to let her know that I'll be there for her if she needs anything. She never answered, so I left a message telling her that. I figured that if she still felt anything or was still mad, she would have called back. Instead, I never got a call back. I have missed her for over two years and have hoped that there was a way that she could see how much she meant to me. Becky Z. you meant the world to me since the day I met you, but it's past time for me to move on. You will still be a template for what I look for, but won't be the only thing I look for.

Last night (Friday) wound up going to the bar that I have been going to. The really hot bartender told me that she'd be there and that I should go. I get there and everyone gave me a hard time for showing up late (9PM instead of 8PM). The main reason why everyone was there was that it was going to be one of the regular's 21st birthday. She had been going in there for a while, but has had to have her mother with her in order to drink. I thought that she was pretty cute, but haven't really talked to her the whole time I had been going in. As I'm walking over to sit down, she comes up and gives me a big hug and says how glad she is that I came out for her party. I thought that was pretty wild, since she didn't even know my name or what I did. Normally I only spend about an hour or hour and a half there, but last night was a rare event. I wound up leaving at close and got to meet some really intresting people. Met a really cute nurse and she invited all of us over to her house afterwards to continue the birthday celebration. I chose to pass since I was extremely tired. The really funny thing is that I was the only guy that was sitting at the main table. Not bad for someone who she's never talked to before.

Well all, I needs to gets me some beauty sleep.



Friday, April 15, 2005

My weekend plans get shot down.

Well, I was planning on running (driving) up to Houston to spend some time with some friends, but I got the word today that they need me to work at the Van Cliburn concert tomorrow. Oh well, it's probably for the best anyways. I've been runing into a lot of really cute girls the last few days. Funny thing, whenever they see me smile, they smile back. Who would have ever thought it?

I ran into this really cute one the ohter day and she was giving me a hard time at work. I thought that she was really cute and was going to see if she'd like to get together for a cup of coffee, or whatever, but she didn't show up the next day or today. I guess that I'll have to get the courage up and talk to her next week when I see her again.

The Evil One keeps calling me up and I keep on ignoring her calls. In one of her messages, she asked if I would look for a place for her down here. LIKE HELL I'll do that! She made her bed, now she can lie in it. I want NOTHING to do with that creature.

Everyone be good.



Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What the Hell is wrong with some people?

Ok, I keep getting calls from the Evil One. What is this? She only calls me whenever whomever the "fuck-du-jour" gets tired of her shit. She screwed me over too many times to count. Nearly everyone who knows her for longer than 5 minutes knows that she's full of shit. Sorry about sounding bitter, but she had lied to me the whole time I knew her. When I was seeing her, she never told me that she was still married. When I thought I married her, she never told me. After I divorced her, she never told me. It wasn't until I called her on it that she'd admit it. I believe in the goodness in every person, but because of her, I had learned not to trust most people. Ok, enough of my venting.

Sunday was intresting for me. Didn't do much but made 40 chocolate dipped strawberries. My favorite bartender is a choco-holic and loves strawberries. I ran up there late that night and gave her almost all of them. Thanks to that I will NEVER have to pay for a drink at her bar again. It's a shame that she's committed to her boyfriend, but at least I've got someone whom I can talk to about things. You never know, she may get tired of him and think about me.

Work's been keeping me busy lately. We had a meeting on Friday and not a single person who talks crap about me behind my back would say a thing about me. I just wish that these people would grow some cajones and speak their mind. I'm an adult and have a think skin. Their opinions don't mean jack to me. I know who I am and I worked hard to get to where I am in my life.

Saturday is going to be rough for me. I have to work a Van Cleiburn concert. I would rather be in Houston because it is a special day. The last woman whom I loved will be celebrating her 25th birthday. I still think about her, I know that I should get over her and move forward. I'll probably call her and wish her a happy birthday and hope that she is well and leave it at that. I'm too afraid that she'll still be mad with me, even though it's been 2 years since we last talked. Then again she could still have feelings for me and miss me just as much. You never know.

Everyone be good out there.



Monday, April 04, 2005

Strange Dreams

Had a rather strange and disturbing dream last night. It was about the last woman I was in love with. I haven't talked to her in over 2 years now and her birthday is coming up in a week or so. I still miss her and wish that I hadn't screwed up what I had with her. I wish her well and hope that she is ok.


Saturday, April 02, 2005


I never thought I would have had this many hits when I first started this over a year ago. I first did it because Dave Ray had some really good stuf, but the bum hasn't posted in a looonnnggg time. Then I decided to use it to get out of having to keep a journal for class. It eventually evolved into something different. It was my venue to vent about anything that crossed my mind, to talk about people, my exes, things that were on my mind, and just about anything else.

I would like to thank those of you who have read and commented on my site. As long as I keep getting people to read them, I will keep on posting them.

See ya'll on the flip-side.


RIP Karol Wojtyla

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not Catholic, but I do have a lot of respest for that man-Karol Wojtyla. He was a tough man who saw his entire family murdered by the Nazi's in WWII. He was nothing more that a parish priest when the war was over. More than him becoming the Pope, he was the inspiration for the fall of the Soviet Bloc.

May you rest easy in your Heaven Karol. Many have found inspiration in who you were and the teachings you gave us.